Part Search page also provides the user facility to search for exclusive & new parts.


Exclusive Part Search:- Exclusive parts are those parts which are only used in a given series or model not any where else which means exclusive to a given series or model. Whenever there is a new model launch dealer / user can come to this search select the new model and can search for exclusive parts for that model. Exclusive parts will immediately tell the user the new parts OEM has launched with new model so that the dealer / user can order those parts to maintain his inventory level.


As explained exclusive part search works both at the series as well at the model level. To search for exclusive parts of a series select that series, tick to select the exclusive search option and click search to search the exclusive parts for selected series. Similarly to search for exclusive parts for a model select the series, select the model, tick to select the exclusive search option and click search to search for exclusive parts for selected model.


New Part Search:- In an electronic parts catalogue scenario it is often difficult for the dealers/ users to figure out the new changes done by parts managers every day/week . New Part search option come handy in such a situation. Parts administrator has been provided with the facility to  define the status of a part as 'New' , 'Released' or 'Phase Out' . Users can search all the parts defined as new by using the 'New Part' search option available in Part search page. At the launch of new series/model user can come to this page select a series or model, select the new option by selecting the check box before 'New Part' option  and click the search button to search all the new parts launched in parts catalog related to that series or model.












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